hair transplantation

feminine alopecia

Women hair loss

Hair weaving, hairpieces, or a change in hairstyle can help hide hair loss and improve appearance, but when this process is too intense, all styling products become useless.

Although hair loss might be generally considered a problem that mainly affects men, women have almost the same exposure to hair loss or thinning hair. Most commonly hair loss appears in women in their 50s or 60s, but it can happen at any age and for a lot of reasons.

feminine alopecia phases

Feminine alopecia phases

In female pattern baldness, known as alopecia diffusa, hair thins mainly on the top and crown of the scalp. It usually starts with a widening through the center hair part. The hair loss rarely progresses to total or near total baldness, as it may in men.

For women dealing with hair loss, a precise diagnose must be determined before considering hair transplantation. This is especially needed in diffuse hair loss cases, which might be the sign of an underlying medical disorder.

Hair loss differs considerably from men to women. While hair loss in men is mainly of antrogenetic type, women can be affected my many other factors. This is why women should be thoroughly examined in order to determine the adequate treatment and to make the right decision regarding the hair transplantation option.

The most common causes of hair loss in women may be split into two categories: antrogenetic alopecia (hair loss caused by genetic factors) and effluvium telogen (temporary hair loss).

Factors like hormonal imbalances, systemic diseases, cancer, malnutrition, infections, medication, endocrine conditions and chemical agents should all be considered.

One important factor for thinning hair and hair loss in women consists in hormonal disorders and hormonal therapies. It has also been noticed that contraceptive pills often cause hair loss.

Hair loss usually starts in the crown area of the head, generally following the frontline and the temporal area. For a precise diagnosis, family history, previous conditions and current medication should be taken into account.

hair transplantation

feminine alopecia

Contact us to schedule up for a free consultation and find out the right treatment for you:

Travel Beauty

phone: +40 722 850 053

If you suffer of severe hair loss, you might prove to be a good candidate for hair transplantation even from the first consultation. A medical treatment consisting in a hair recovery agent might be prescribed for a while, before hair transplantation. In order to achieve the optimal results that will satisfy you, the extent of the hair loss process and the quality of the existing hair should be carefully considered.

The personal consultation is essential in making the decision for hair transplantation. During this consultation, the aspects to be considered are:

  1. the donor area in order to determine the maximum number of follicle units that can be extracted
  2. the receiving area in order to determine the necessary number of hair grafts for covering this area

Hair transplantation in women is different to hair transplantation in men.

Hair loss in women is more diffuse, which means that the hair is thinner on the top of the head and less this on the back and lateral areas.

For transplantation, the hair has to be removed from the back and the lateral areas, so the density of the donor area should be good enough in order to assure a satisfying covering of the receiving area. This aspect can be determined during the span class="boldMov">initial personal consultation or through very clear pictures of the donor area and the receiving area of the patient.

In many cases of female hair transplantation, the follicular unit is placed among the existing hair. This requires an extra amount of care from the medical team, in order to avoid impairing the adjacent hair.

Being such an important and sensitive decision, the specialists from the clinics that we represent will give the best advice and counseling, so you can decide what is best for you.

We want you to like what you see in the mirror!

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FUE hair transplantation for women >>

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