FUE Hair Transplantation
Travel Beauty Special Offer
30% discount for
using the FUE method, for only 1400€!*
The offer includes:
- Hair transplantation procedure
- Medication for after the procedure (8-10 days)
- 2 nights accommodation in a 4* hotel (for two persons, if needed), breakfast included
- Pre-operative blood tests
- Permanent accompanying
- Transfers in Istanbul (airport – hotel – hospital)
- “Long life term” guarantee certificate for the intervention
- One treatment in the donor area for rapid regeneration
- The special washing of the hair in the second day after transplantation
A remarkable aesthetic aspect for only 1400 €!*
Contact us:
email: info@travel-beauty.ro
phone Romania: +40 722 850 053
phone Turkey: +90 542 290 53 38
* The price of 1400€ corresponds to a number of 3000 transplanted hair grafts. The maximum price does not exceed 2400€ and includes all the above mentioned services.
Hair Transplantation procedure implies removing individual hair follicles from a donor site (usually the back or the sides of the head) where the hair is more resistant to thinning and balding. These groups are transplanted to the thin or bald areas, called receptor areas, where they will continue to grow naturally.
Hair follicles are typically transplanted using one of these two techniques:
- Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation (FUT): Hair units are prevailed from a donor strip that has been excised from the donor area.
- Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): Hair units are removed individually directly from the donor area, follicle by follicle, and transplanted to thinning areas of the scalp.
Because of its obvious advantages, (FUE) Follicular Unit Extraction became the standard hair transplant procedure performed by the most of today’s surgeons.
With Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation (FUT) method, removal of donor follicles was done by the elliptical excision of a single, followed by suturing. The most important disadvantage of this technique was the resultant linear donor scar, which creates cosmetic issues for many patients, particularly those who wish to wear short hair.
FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is the technique that guarantees the best results in hair transplantation. This procedure allows the best natural aspect of the hairline and the best overall aesthetic results.
With the FUE method, each hair root is taken out individually and transplanted to hairless parts of the body. Hair is moved follicle by follicle, making FUE a superior process than the earlier grafting methods. With FUE there is no incising, no sutures, and no scars!
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about the FUE hair transplantation >>
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FUE method advantages
FUE hair transplantation technique is safe, modern, does not leave scars and it has a permanent result.
Superiorities of the FUE method with regard to other methods are as follows:
- No linear scar on the back of the head – donor area
- Virtually undetectable!
- No cuts and sutures
- Less invasive
- Faster and less painful recovery
- Low transection rate or graft damage – < 3%
- Natural hairlines and best aesthetic results
- Alow the use of body hair (beard or chest hair)
FUE can also be used for covering the scars of those who previously had FUT hair transplant interventions.
FUE method allows hair to be transplanted not only from the head area between the ears, but also from any area of the body with pilosity.
FUE hair transplantation

For optimal results, before the follicle removal process, hair on the donor area is cut up to 1-2 mm. or is shaved. The areas of hair removal and hair transplantation are then anesthetized using local anesthetic.
Hair transplantation sessions that demand more thousands of follicular units can last for a whole day long or even extend on two consecutive days.
During the procedure, the patient can listen to music, watch a movie or simply chat with the medical personnel.
During the FUE intervention, the medical team operates in the following manner:
- Part of the medical staff, with the help of a Micro Motor, pulls out the root from the skin at the natural angle of the growing hair.
- Other members of the medical personnel isolate, prepare and ensure that the follicular grafts remain in optimal condition.
- The physician makes small incisions in the patient’s recipient area (areas of hair loss), in keeping with the patient’s natural hair growth pattern.
- The follicular grafts are then placed one by one according to the number of hairs within each follicle. This operation is performed by one or more persons simultaneously.
The steps of the FUE transplantation intervention are:
- The process starts with the shaving of the donor area; the reason for that is to enable the follicles decrease to 0.3 mm length which micro-motor can pick them one by one.
- Local anesthetic is administered.
- Hair follicles which will be used from the transmitting area are obtained by micro-motor one by one and placed in a special solution.
- After calculating the size of hair follicles and the required depth, channels in which the hair follicles will be placed are opened with lateral slit specially prepared for the follicles. This process constitutes the most important part of hair transplantation. The size of micro cutts (channel) in which the hair follicles will be placed and the size of grafts which will be transplanted should be the same in order for the hair follicles could be nourished well. The angles of micro cuts should be opened in the same direction with hair before loss, in order to achieve a natural aspect. All these calculations are made very attentively by the doctor.
- The last step is placing the hair follicles into the channels.
- Hospitalization is not needed after hair transplantation.

For a natural appearance, single (graft) hair follicles should be transplanted in front hair line. With 1 mm punch double and triple (graft) hair follicles should be taken. In order to create a thick and dense appearance, these hair follicles should be transplanted after single hair follicles which have transplanted in front hair line.
A successful hair transplantation operation requires a natural result which is not noticeable to the people in connection with the individual who undergoes the operation. And the hairline should be very delicately planned in order to obtain a natural looking hair transplantation result. This architectural plan lays the foundations of a successful hair transplantation operation. This is the procedure which determines the orientation and density of the hair follicles and ensures a natural appearance.
Find out the prices for FUE hair transplantation >>
FUE hair transplantation
As after any surgical intervention, even a non-invasive one, as FUE, antibiotic medication will be administered, in order to avoid infections.
Post-surgery care:
The first hair wash is 24 hours after the intervention and is done by a member of the transplantation team. This treatment is extremely important in the hair transplantation procedure. The head is gently washed; the receiving area is gently patted, as well as into the other parts of the scalp. Gently rinse off the shampoo then pat dry the area. A very soft shampoo and a calming cream are used to help heal the donor area.
This free post-surgery treatment includes:
- Special shampooing
- Antibiotic ointment for the donor area
- Protective headband
- Post-operative care instructions

Most patients have concerns regarding their looks immediately after the interventions and in the next few days, especially when will they be able to return into community without visible signs. From our experience, if post-operative instructions are respected, the 8th day after the FUE intervention is proper for resuming to your normal social life without obvious signs.
Before hair transplantation:
- Avoid alcohol, aspirin and other flue medication
- Don’t use hear or scalp lotions before the procedure
- Let your doctor know if you suffer from any illness (chronic diseases, cardiac affections, diabetes, high blood pressure, usual medication)
- Sleep well the night before the intervention – at least 8 hours
- Wash your hair before arriving at the clinic
- Wear comfortable clothes, like a shirt with buttons or sweater with zipper, it's important while getting dressed and undressed
- Don’t cut your hair; this will be taken care of in the hospital
- You should have good breakfast in the morning before the operation.
After hair transplantation:
After the operation you must avoid hard working, sport, swimming pool, beach and direct burning sun shine.
- Antibiotic treatment will be administered for 5 days.
- Avoid scratching the head with your nails; you can just press it softly by the tip of your fingers.
- Avoid hot water or under pressure water on your scalp for the first 15 days.
- Direct sun light is to be avoided for about 1 month.
- Avoid chemical substances like hair dye, gel, spray or foam for 3-4 months.
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